Three world premieres by internationally acclaimed choreographers, each set to a well-known 20th-century musical work, will be showcased at the 2019 Spring Dance Concert. The Meadows Dance Ensemble will present Takehiro Ueyama’s Heroes, set to John Adams’ The Chairman Dances; Broadway choreographer Alexander Sanchez’s interpretation of George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue; and Dwight Rhoden’s vibrant ballet Stellar Matter, set to an orchestral suite from Gustav Holst’s The Planets.
Three world premieres by internationally acclaimed choreographers, each set to a well-known 20th-century musical work, will be showcased at the 2019 Spring Dance Concert. The Meadows Dance Ensemble will present Takehiro Ueyama’s Heroes, set to John Adams’ The Chairman Dances; Broadway choreographer Alexander Sanchez’s interpretation of George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue; and Dwight Rhoden’s vibrant ballet Stellar Matter, set to an orchestral suite from Gustav Holst’s The Planets.
Three world premieres by internationally acclaimed choreographers, each set to a well-known 20th-century musical work, will be showcased at the 2019 Spring Dance Concert. The Meadows Dance Ensemble will present Takehiro Ueyama’s Heroes, set to John Adams’ The Chairman Dances; Broadway choreographer Alexander Sanchez’s interpretation of George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue; and Dwight Rhoden’s vibrant ballet Stellar Matter, set to an orchestral suite from Gustav Holst’s The Planets.