Bringing an unconventional performance to the lineup, Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots Concert Spectacular began as a group of friends playing silly tunes on local stages and has turned into a beloved musical comedy group with an unexpected following. After performing at a small charity event in 2014 and seeing how much money was raised in ticket sales, Bobby and his band decided to use their combination of humor and music to help communities in need. Since then, the group has raised more than $2 million for various charities through its performances. Bobby Bones has a nationally syndicated weekday radio show, and his new book Bare Bones, is #6 on The New York Times Best Sellers List.
Bringing an unconventional performance to the lineup, Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots Concert Spectacular began as a group of friends playing silly tunes on local stages and has turned into a beloved musical comedy group with an unexpected following. After performing at a small charity event in 2014 and seeing how much money was raised in ticket sales, Bobby and his band decided to use their combination of humor and music to help communities in need. Since then, the group has raised more than $2 million for various charities through its performances. Bobby Bones has a nationally syndicated weekday radio show, and his new book Bare Bones, is #6 on The New York Times Best Sellers List.
Bringing an unconventional performance to the lineup, Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots Concert Spectacular began as a group of friends playing silly tunes on local stages and has turned into a beloved musical comedy group with an unexpected following. After performing at a small charity event in 2014 and seeing how much money was raised in ticket sales, Bobby and his band decided to use their combination of humor and music to help communities in need. Since then, the group has raised more than $2 million for various charities through its performances. Bobby Bones has a nationally syndicated weekday radio show, and his new book Bare Bones, is #6 on The New York Times Best Sellers List.