The Mocky Horror Picture Show is a live, movie mocking comedy show where comedians Liz Barksdale, Bryan Hickey, and Danny Gallagher fling jokes at the movie screen. They also give the audience lines and props so they can fling jokes at the screen too. The event will feature comedy, prizes, and cheesy movies.
And it’s the holidays, that time when people gather at friends’ and family members’ houses to shower each other with presents and love. That’s why the Mocky Horror Picture Show is doing a special holiday public mockery of House on Haunted Hill? The one with Vincent Price? Well, it is about seven people who get together for a “party” at someone’s house where they could be “gifted” with thousands of dollars if they can survive a night in the haunted mansion. Plus, Price gives all of his guests a gun so that should count as a stocking stuffer.
The Mocky Horror Picture Show is a live, movie mocking comedy show where comedians Liz Barksdale, Bryan Hickey, and Danny Gallagher fling jokes at the movie screen. They also give the audience lines and props so they can fling jokes at the screen too. The event will feature comedy, prizes, and cheesy movies.
And it’s the holidays, that time when people gather at friends’ and family members’ houses to shower each other with presents and love. That’s why the Mocky Horror Picture Show is doing a special holiday public mockery of House on Haunted Hill? The one with Vincent Price? Well, it is about seven people who get together for a “party” at someone’s house where they could be “gifted” with thousands of dollars if they can survive a night in the haunted mansion. Plus, Price gives all of his guests a gun so that should count as a stocking stuffer.
The Mocky Horror Picture Show is a live, movie mocking comedy show where comedians Liz Barksdale, Bryan Hickey, and Danny Gallagher fling jokes at the movie screen. They also give the audience lines and props so they can fling jokes at the screen too. The event will feature comedy, prizes, and cheesy movies.
And it’s the holidays, that time when people gather at friends’ and family members’ houses to shower each other with presents and love. That’s why the Mocky Horror Picture Show is doing a special holiday public mockery of House on Haunted Hill? The one with Vincent Price? Well, it is about seven people who get together for a “party” at someone’s house where they could be “gifted” with thousands of dollars if they can survive a night in the haunted mansion. Plus, Price gives all of his guests a gun so that should count as a stocking stuffer.