Stomping Ground Comedy will present present its inaugural scripted Halloween comedy show, The Texas Sketch Show Massacre. This hour long revue takes a look at classic Halloween horrors such as serial killers, monsters, and finding the perfect costume. Featuring strong character driven sketches, this show promises to be comedy so funny, it’s scary.
This show is rated M for Mature 18 and above.
Stomping Ground Comedy will present present its inaugural scripted Halloween comedy show, The Texas Sketch Show Massacre. This hour long revue takes a look at classic Halloween horrors such as serial killers, monsters, and finding the perfect costume. Featuring strong character driven sketches, this show promises to be comedy so funny, it’s scary.
This show is rated M for Mature 18 and above.
Stomping Ground Comedy will present present its inaugural scripted Halloween comedy show, The Texas Sketch Show Massacre. This hour long revue takes a look at classic Halloween horrors such as serial killers, monsters, and finding the perfect costume. Featuring strong character driven sketches, this show promises to be comedy so funny, it’s scary.
This show is rated M for Mature 18 and above.