The Flip Side is an art show that explores the subconscious. Join the artist, Taylor Pierre Bryant, for a fantastic art party and show. Experience narrative driven work that uses dreams, symbols, and materials to create a unique world. The show includes: printmaking, relief sculptures, artist books, and mosaics. Costumes are highly encouraged, since it is Halloween.
The exhibit runs through October 31.
The Flip Side is an art show that explores the subconscious. Join the artist, Taylor Pierre Bryant, for a fantastic art party and show. Experience narrative driven work that uses dreams, symbols, and materials to create a unique world. The show includes: printmaking, relief sculptures, artist books, and mosaics. Costumes are highly encouraged, since it is Halloween.
The exhibit runs through October 31.
The Flip Side is an art show that explores the subconscious. Join the artist, Taylor Pierre Bryant, for a fantastic art party and show. Experience narrative driven work that uses dreams, symbols, and materials to create a unique world. The show includes: printmaking, relief sculptures, artist books, and mosaics. Costumes are highly encouraged, since it is Halloween.
The exhibit runs through October 31.