Teatro Dallas will present the English premiere of Two Kids in the Universe by Venezuelan playwright Gustavo Ott, a masterful tale of an extraordinary friendship between two elementary school students whose bond confronts the violence that threatens them. The play has been translated to English by Heather L. McKay.
Based on actual events, the production tells the story of an extraordinary friendship between two children from a primary school who, through solidarity and poetry, face the violence that threatens them and the prejudices that try to separate them. The play considers what it means for the school to be a protective castle of children's imagination.
Teatro Dallas will present the English premiere of Two Kids in the Universe by Venezuelan playwright Gustavo Ott, a masterful tale of an extraordinary friendship between two elementary school students whose bond confronts the violence that threatens them. The play has been translated to English by Heather L. McKay.
Based on actual events, the production tells the story of an extraordinary friendship between two children from a primary school who, through solidarity and poetry, face the violence that threatens them and the prejudices that try to separate them. The play considers what it means for the school to be a protective castle of children's imagination.