Glow follows a husband and wife on the verge of divorce, their kids, a lonely young man, a father struggling to support his family, a single mother in a pit of drug addiction, and a minister wallowing in anger and doubt as they all search for light in a dark city.
Produced over almost three years, Glow is a big, bold vision that pushes the boundaries of cinematic narrative and independent film aesthetics.
Glow follows a husband and wife on the verge of divorce, their kids, a lonely young man, a father struggling to support his family, a single mother in a pit of drug addiction, and a minister wallowing in anger and doubt as they all search for light in a dark city.
Produced over almost three years, Glow is a big, bold vision that pushes the boundaries of cinematic narrative and independent film aesthetics.
Glow follows a husband and wife on the verge of divorce, their kids, a lonely young man, a father struggling to support his family, a single mother in a pit of drug addiction, and a minister wallowing in anger and doubt as they all search for light in a dark city.
Produced over almost three years, Glow is a big, bold vision that pushes the boundaries of cinematic narrative and independent film aesthetics.