Life in small-town Bomont is peaceful until Ren, a city boy from Chicago, arrives and begins breaking all the rules. With the help of some unlikely friends, Ren brings dancing back to the heart of a town held back much too long by the memory of a tragedy.
Footloose celebrates the wisdom of listening to young people and guiding them with a warm heart and open mind. The iconic 1984 movie musical leaves the cinema screen and explodes onto the stage with new music and lyrics by Tom Snow and Dean Pitchford. All the additional music by Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins, and Jim Steinman will have everyone dancing in the aisles.
Life in small-town Bomont is peaceful until Ren, a city boy from Chicago, arrives and begins breaking all the rules. With the help of some unlikely friends, Ren brings dancing back to the heart of a town held back much too long by the memory of a tragedy.
Footloose celebrates the wisdom of listening to young people and guiding them with a warm heart and open mind. The iconic 1984 movie musical leaves the cinema screen and explodes onto the stage with new music and lyrics by Tom Snow and Dean Pitchford. All the additional music by Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins, and Jim Steinman will have everyone dancing in the aisles.
Life in small-town Bomont is peaceful until Ren, a city boy from Chicago, arrives and begins breaking all the rules. With the help of some unlikely friends, Ren brings dancing back to the heart of a town held back much too long by the memory of a tragedy.
Footloose celebrates the wisdom of listening to young people and guiding them with a warm heart and open mind. The iconic 1984 movie musical leaves the cinema screen and explodes onto the stage with new music and lyrics by Tom Snow and Dean Pitchford. All the additional music by Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins, and Jim Steinman will have everyone dancing in the aisles.