Everyone is familiar with the popular character of Pinocchio, originally created in 1880 by Italy’s Carlo Collodi as a weekly magazine serial, The Adventures of Pinocchio. This heartwarming story about a young boy made of wood who finds mischief and many bumps along his way to becoming a real boy has been enjoyed by millions throughout the decades, whether by the movies, print or on the stage.
But Simon’s passion for commedia dell’arte puts a new twist on an old story. Commedia dell'arte ("Comedy of Art") means unwritten or improvised drama and was a popular form of improvisational theatre that began in 15th century Renaissance Italy. Theatre Arlington’s performers will be adorned with many beautiful and imaginative masks, a staple of this type of theater.
Simon’s version of this beloved tale is one of his most successful productions and audience members, young and old alike, will have a blast with the slapstick antics and silly banter. This unique form of storytelling breathes new life and energy into the charming story of the love of between father and son.
Everyone is familiar with the popular character of Pinocchio, originally created in 1880 by Italy’s Carlo Collodi as a weekly magazine serial, The Adventures of Pinocchio. This heartwarming story about a young boy made of wood who finds mischief and many bumps along his way to becoming a real boy has been enjoyed by millions throughout the decades, whether by the movies, print or on the stage.
But Simon’s passion for commedia dell’arte puts a new twist on an old story. Commedia dell'arte ("Comedy of Art") means unwritten or improvised drama and was a popular form of improvisational theatre that began in 15th century Renaissance Italy. Theatre Arlington’s performers will be adorned with many beautiful and imaginative masks, a staple of this type of theater.
Simon’s version of this beloved tale is one of his most successful productions and audience members, young and old alike, will have a blast with the slapstick antics and silly banter. This unique form of storytelling breathes new life and energy into the charming story of the love of between father and son.
Everyone is familiar with the popular character of Pinocchio, originally created in 1880 by Italy’s Carlo Collodi as a weekly magazine serial, The Adventures of Pinocchio. This heartwarming story about a young boy made of wood who finds mischief and many bumps along his way to becoming a real boy has been enjoyed by millions throughout the decades, whether by the movies, print or on the stage.
But Simon’s passion for commedia dell’arte puts a new twist on an old story. Commedia dell'arte ("Comedy of Art") means unwritten or improvised drama and was a popular form of improvisational theatre that began in 15th century Renaissance Italy. Theatre Arlington’s performers will be adorned with many beautiful and imaginative masks, a staple of this type of theater.
Simon’s version of this beloved tale is one of his most successful productions and audience members, young and old alike, will have a blast with the slapstick antics and silly banter. This unique form of storytelling breathes new life and energy into the charming story of the love of between father and son.