Theatre Coppell presents The Odd Couple, a classic comedy that centers around uptight, neat Felix Ungar and easygoing, disheveled Oscar Madison as new roommates. Two suddenly single pals - a sloppy sportswriter and a fastidious news writer - strain their friendship by turning roommates and unconsciously repeating the same mistakes they made in the marriages they just left.
Neil Simon's classic 1965 comedy has at its heart a story of individuals trying to connect through their differences and trying to make their way through difficult times. Loyalty and kindness overcome personality quirks and differences.
Theatre Coppell presents The Odd Couple, a classic comedy that centers around uptight, neat Felix Ungar and easygoing, disheveled Oscar Madison as new roommates. Two suddenly single pals - a sloppy sportswriter and a fastidious news writer - strain their friendship by turning roommates and unconsciously repeating the same mistakes they made in the marriages they just left.
Neil Simon's classic 1965 comedy has at its heart a story of individuals trying to connect through their differences and trying to make their way through difficult times. Loyalty and kindness overcome personality quirks and differences.