Commemorating the scariest year ever, the Danielle Georgiou Dance Group’s The Bippy Bobby Boo Show: 2020 Call-in Special will be full of glitz, gags, and glamorous ghosts. After spending a glorious run with live audiences, the ghosts have become stir-crazy in the theatre without a show going on. Instead of waiting for audiences to return in person, the ghosts will be haunting the internet with this live-streamed interactive event.
Anyone who has a joke for Bippy Bobby can join the tradition and call in with their favorite Halloween humor. They can also give Bippy a piece of their mind by calling the Halloween hotline and howling.
Commemorating the scariest year ever, the Danielle Georgiou Dance Group’s The Bippy Bobby Boo Show: 2020 Call-in Special will be full of glitz, gags, and glamorous ghosts. After spending a glorious run with live audiences, the ghosts have become stir-crazy in the theatre without a show going on. Instead of waiting for audiences to return in person, the ghosts will be haunting the internet with this live-streamed interactive event.
Anyone who has a joke for Bippy Bobby can join the tradition and call in with their favorite Halloween humor. They can also give Bippy a piece of their mind by calling the Halloween hotline and howling.
Commemorating the scariest year ever, the Danielle Georgiou Dance Group’s The Bippy Bobby Boo Show: 2020 Call-in Special will be full of glitz, gags, and glamorous ghosts. After spending a glorious run with live audiences, the ghosts have become stir-crazy in the theatre without a show going on. Instead of waiting for audiences to return in person, the ghosts will be haunting the internet with this live-streamed interactive event.
Anyone who has a joke for Bippy Bobby can join the tradition and call in with their favorite Halloween humor. They can also give Bippy a piece of their mind by calling the Halloween hotline and howling.