A Christmas Carol: The Radio Show is a revival of last year’s production of David Alberts’ one-man show, originally produced in Dallas by One Thirty Productions. Favorite Dallas actor B.J. Cleveland revives his performance as a radio station manager at wits’ end when the entire cast and orchestra of his radio show get snowed out of the station. He is forced to take over all 21 characters and do all the sound effects.
Production will be in the Theatre Too space at Theatre Three.
A Christmas Carol: The Radio Show is a revival of last year’s production of David Alberts’ one-man show, originally produced in Dallas by One Thirty Productions. Favorite Dallas actor B.J. Cleveland revives his performance as a radio station manager at wits’ end when the entire cast and orchestra of his radio show get snowed out of the station. He is forced to take over all 21 characters and do all the sound effects.
Production will be in the Theatre Too space at Theatre Three.
A Christmas Carol: The Radio Show is a revival of last year’s production of David Alberts’ one-man show, originally produced in Dallas by One Thirty Productions. Favorite Dallas actor B.J. Cleveland revives his performance as a radio station manager at wits’ end when the entire cast and orchestra of his radio show get snowed out of the station. He is forced to take over all 21 characters and do all the sound effects.
Production will be in the Theatre Too space at Theatre Three.