The Sum of Us, directed by Mark C. Guerra, explores the volatile relationship between an aging widower and his gay son. After meeting in a local pub, Jeff and a young gardener, Greg, hit it off and begin to date. When he meets Jeff's stubborn, opinionated Dad, however, Greg begins to back off. Meanwhile, Dad also has a new flame: a woman he met through a dating service.
Production will be in the Theatre Too space at Theatre Three.
The Sum of Us, directed by Mark C. Guerra, explores the volatile relationship between an aging widower and his gay son. After meeting in a local pub, Jeff and a young gardener, Greg, hit it off and begin to date. When he meets Jeff's stubborn, opinionated Dad, however, Greg begins to back off. Meanwhile, Dad also has a new flame: a woman he met through a dating service.
Production will be in the Theatre Too space at Theatre Three.
The Sum of Us, directed by Mark C. Guerra, explores the volatile relationship between an aging widower and his gay son. After meeting in a local pub, Jeff and a young gardener, Greg, hit it off and begin to date. When he meets Jeff's stubborn, opinionated Dad, however, Greg begins to back off. Meanwhile, Dad also has a new flame: a woman he met through a dating service.
Production will be in the Theatre Too space at Theatre Three.