In hopes of sharing a little holiday cheer from afar, the Theatre Three team has arranged an evening full of festive illustrations, heartwarming musical performances by Cherish Robinson and Sammy Rat Rios, and a reading of a holiday classic by Emily Gray from the magic of the Theatre Three stage.
Streaming access codes are available for purchase at In lieu of tickets, patrons will purchase access codes for streaming. Consider each viewing opportunity as a performance that begins at the published time; videos must be accessed within 30 minutes of the start times for each show.
In addition to the streamed performance, viewers will be provided with a digital version of a traditional performance program.
In hopes of sharing a little holiday cheer from afar, the Theatre Three team has arranged an evening full of festive illustrations, heartwarming musical performances by Cherish Robinson and Sammy Rat Rios, and a reading of a holiday classic by Emily Gray from the magic of the Theatre Three stage.
Streaming access codes are available for purchase at In lieu of tickets, patrons will purchase access codes for streaming. Consider each viewing opportunity as a performance that begins at the published time; videos must be accessed within 30 minutes of the start times for each show.
In addition to the streamed performance, viewers will be provided with a digital version of a traditional performance program.
In hopes of sharing a little holiday cheer from afar, the Theatre Three team has arranged an evening full of festive illustrations, heartwarming musical performances by Cherish Robinson and Sammy Rat Rios, and a reading of a holiday classic by Emily Gray from the magic of the Theatre Three stage.
Streaming access codes are available for purchase at In lieu of tickets, patrons will purchase access codes for streaming. Consider each viewing opportunity as a performance that begins at the published time; videos must be accessed within 30 minutes of the start times for each show.
In addition to the streamed performance, viewers will be provided with a digital version of a traditional performance program.