Based on a classic tale from ancient India, The Mystical Forest explores the reunion of a young boy and an enchanting friend. As he struggles with difficult social circumstances and feels ill-equipped to deal with his challenges, he looks to secrets of the mystical forest for answers. Will his new friend and the lessons he's learning help him heal his heart?
The outdoor, interactive mystical drama will be performed by school children. Performances will begin promptly every half hour between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. Guests will journey to six stops throughout Kalachandji's Park. At each stop, the story will unfold through the use of lighting, sound, and live acting scenes. The journey is about a 40-minute walk altogether, and guests should plan on walking, standing, and sitting.
Based on a classic tale from ancient India, The Mystical Forest explores the reunion of a young boy and an enchanting friend. As he struggles with difficult social circumstances and feels ill-equipped to deal with his challenges, he looks to secrets of the mystical forest for answers. Will his new friend and the lessons he's learning help him heal his heart?
The outdoor, interactive mystical drama will be performed by school children. Performances will begin promptly every half hour between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. Guests will journey to six stops throughout Kalachandji's Park. At each stop, the story will unfold through the use of lighting, sound, and live acting scenes. The journey is about a 40-minute walk altogether, and guests should plan on walking, standing, and sitting.
Based on a classic tale from ancient India, The Mystical Forest explores the reunion of a young boy and an enchanting friend. As he struggles with difficult social circumstances and feels ill-equipped to deal with his challenges, he looks to secrets of the mystical forest for answers. Will his new friend and the lessons he's learning help him heal his heart?
The outdoor, interactive mystical drama will be performed by school children. Performances will begin promptly every half hour between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. Guests will journey to six stops throughout Kalachandji's Park. At each stop, the story will unfold through the use of lighting, sound, and live acting scenes. The journey is about a 40-minute walk altogether, and guests should plan on walking, standing, and sitting.