Trova Wine & Market presents Aperture Cellars Dinner with Winemaker Jesse Katz
Trova Wine & Market will present a special dinner with Aperture Cellars featuring Winemaker Jesse Katz. Katz will be on hand to present wines from the Aperture Cellar portfolio, which will be paired with a special five-course dinner menu. Trova will also offer winery-direct pricing on each of the Aperture wines presented.
Trova Wine & Market will present a special dinner with Aperture Cellars featuring Winemaker Jesse Katz. Katz will be on hand to present wines from the Aperture Cellar portfolio, which will be paired with a special five-course dinner menu. Trova will also offer winery-direct pricing on each of the Aperture wines presented.
Trova Wine & Market will present a special dinner with Aperture Cellars featuring Winemaker Jesse Katz. Katz will be on hand to present wines from the Aperture Cellar portfolio, which will be paired with a special five-course dinner menu. Trova will also offer winery-direct pricing on each of the Aperture wines presented.
Trova Wine & Market
4004 Villanova St.
Dallas, TX 75225
$125 per person
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.