Internationally acclaimed sculptor, Alison Saar, whose work explores her own poignant story of personal and cultural identity, is the featured artist at the UNT Art Gallery’s inaugural exhibition, “Mirror Mirror: The Prints of Alison Saar From the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation.” Saar will also work with College of Visual Arts and Design Department of Studio Art graduate students and deliver the keynote lecture for the Southern Graphic Council International Conference that is honoring Saar with its 2019 SGCI Lifetime Achievement Award.
Saar also uses unconventional materials and methods in printmaking. Cast off objects like old chair backs and found ceiling tin become the foundations for etching or lithography plates, and carving techniques in woodblock prints echo those she uses to carve her wooden sculptures. In addition to printing on paper, Saar employs a variety of used fabrics like vintage handkerchiefs, old shop rags and antique sugar sacks that are layered, cut, sewn and collaged. In the subjects and materials of both sculptures and prints, as famed art critic Lucy Lippard has observed, Alison Saar pursues the extraordinary concealed in the ordinary.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on view through May 11.
Internationally acclaimed sculptor, Alison Saar, whose work explores her own poignant story of personal and cultural identity, is the featured artist at the UNT Art Gallery’s inaugural exhibition, “Mirror Mirror: The Prints of Alison Saar From the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation.” Saar will also work with College of Visual Arts and Design Department of Studio Art graduate students and deliver the keynote lecture for the Southern Graphic Council International Conference that is honoring Saar with its 2019 SGCI Lifetime Achievement Award.
Saar also uses unconventional materials and methods in printmaking. Cast off objects like old chair backs and found ceiling tin become the foundations for etching or lithography plates, and carving techniques in woodblock prints echo those she uses to carve her wooden sculptures. In addition to printing on paper, Saar employs a variety of used fabrics like vintage handkerchiefs, old shop rags and antique sugar sacks that are layered, cut, sewn and collaged. In the subjects and materials of both sculptures and prints, as famed art critic Lucy Lippard has observed, Alison Saar pursues the extraordinary concealed in the ordinary.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on view through May 11.
Internationally acclaimed sculptor, Alison Saar, whose work explores her own poignant story of personal and cultural identity, is the featured artist at the UNT Art Gallery’s inaugural exhibition, “Mirror Mirror: The Prints of Alison Saar From the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation.” Saar will also work with College of Visual Arts and Design Department of Studio Art graduate students and deliver the keynote lecture for the Southern Graphic Council International Conference that is honoring Saar with its 2019 SGCI Lifetime Achievement Award.
Saar also uses unconventional materials and methods in printmaking. Cast off objects like old chair backs and found ceiling tin become the foundations for etching or lithography plates, and carving techniques in woodblock prints echo those she uses to carve her wooden sculptures. In addition to printing on paper, Saar employs a variety of used fabrics like vintage handkerchiefs, old shop rags and antique sugar sacks that are layered, cut, sewn and collaged. In the subjects and materials of both sculptures and prints, as famed art critic Lucy Lippard has observed, Alison Saar pursues the extraordinary concealed in the ordinary.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on view through May 11.