Silver Foxes is a new comedy play about an ensemble of queer men who rescue their best friend from a homophobic assisted living facility. The three older men plus their buddy’s younger Twink lover, navigate stray cats, online hook up sites, and the real estate ravenous lesbian couple next door to become a fabulous de facto family in an iconic mid-century Palm Springs house.
This world premiere is written by James Berg & Stan Zimmerman (Golden Girls).
Silver Foxes is a new comedy play about an ensemble of queer men who rescue their best friend from a homophobic assisted living facility. The three older men plus their buddy’s younger Twink lover, navigate stray cats, online hook up sites, and the real estate ravenous lesbian couple next door to become a fabulous de facto family in an iconic mid-century Palm Springs house.
This world premiere is written by James Berg & Stan Zimmerman (Golden Girls). There will be a special talk back with director Michael Urie and the authors after the March 4 performance.
Silver Foxes is a new comedy play about an ensemble of queer men who rescue their best friend from a homophobic assisted living facility. The three older men plus their buddy’s younger Twink lover, navigate stray cats, online hook up sites, and the real estate ravenous lesbian couple next door to become a fabulous de facto family in an iconic mid-century Palm Springs house.
This world premiere is written by James Berg & Stan Zimmerman (Golden Girls). There will be a special talk back with director Michael Urie and the authors after the March 4 performance.