Fly Babies explores the intriguing true story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) of World War II, one of courage and dedication as four young female pilots experience the challenges, triumphs, prejudice, and tragedies of serving their country on the home front. The young pilots soon discover that not all battles are fought overseas.
The playwright, Rusty Harding, has a great passion for writing stage plays, screen plays and fiction novels. Rusty has published two novels: The Instrument of Darkness and Murphy’s Law (The Fiction Works), optioned two screenplays, and published three stage plays: There’s No Place Like Homer, Western Union and Never Call Me A Lady. Rusty has also dabbled in acting over the years with Richardson Theatre Centre, and he is one of the Founders of Lunatic Theatre Company. Rusty is a graduate of Texas A & M University and resides in Garland, Texas.
Fly Babies explores the intriguing true story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) of World War II, one of courage and dedication as four young female pilots experience the challenges, triumphs, prejudice, and tragedies of serving their country on the home front. The young pilots soon discover that not all battles are fought overseas.
The playwright, Rusty Harding, has a great passion for writing stage plays, screen plays and fiction novels. Rusty has published two novels: The Instrument of Darkness and Murphy’s Law (The Fiction Works), optioned two screenplays, and published three stage plays: There’s No Place Like Homer, Western Union and Never Call Me A Lady. Rusty has also dabbled in acting over the years with Richardson Theatre Centre, and he is one of the Founders of Lunatic Theatre Company. Rusty is a graduate of Texas A & M University and resides in Garland, Texas.
Fly Babies explores the intriguing true story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) of World War II, one of courage and dedication as four young female pilots experience the challenges, triumphs, prejudice, and tragedies of serving their country on the home front. The young pilots soon discover that not all battles are fought overseas.
The playwright, Rusty Harding, has a great passion for writing stage plays, screen plays and fiction novels. Rusty has published two novels: The Instrument of Darkness and Murphy’s Law (The Fiction Works), optioned two screenplays, and published three stage plays: There’s No Place Like Homer, Western Union and Never Call Me A Lady. Rusty has also dabbled in acting over the years with Richardson Theatre Centre, and he is one of the Founders of Lunatic Theatre Company. Rusty is a graduate of Texas A & M University and resides in Garland, Texas.