The fifth annual Women Texas Film Festival focuses solely on the work of visionary female filmmakers. Pivoting to an all-virtual presentation, Olivia Peace’s teenage comedy Tahara will open the festival and Lisa Donato’s Gossamer Folds will be the Closing Night Selection. The festival features LGBTQIA+ stories, provocative documentaries, and Texas-based female filmmakers throughout its lineup, which includes 11 feature films and 36 short films.
For a full schedule of events, go to the festival website.
The fifth annual Women Texas Film Festival focuses solely on the work of visionary female filmmakers. Pivoting to an all-virtual presentation, Olivia Peace’s teenage comedy Tahara will open the festival and Lisa Donato’s Gossamer Folds will be the Closing Night Selection. The festival features LGBTQIA+ stories, provocative documentaries, and Texas-based female filmmakers throughout its lineup, which includes 11 feature films and 36 short films.
For a full schedule of events, go to the festival website.
The fifth annual Women Texas Film Festival focuses solely on the work of visionary female filmmakers. Pivoting to an all-virtual presentation, Olivia Peace’s teenage comedy Tahara will open the festival and Lisa Donato’s Gossamer Folds will be the Closing Night Selection. The festival features LGBTQIA+ stories, provocative documentaries, and Texas-based female filmmakers throughout its lineup, which includes 11 feature films and 36 short films.
For a full schedule of events, go to the festival website.