The Woodrow Wilson High School Performing Arts Department, established in 1929, staged its first full-scale, Broadway-style musical, Oklahoma, in 1957, becoming one of the first schools to do so. Since then, Woodrow has carried on an unbroken string of annual musicals, with the longest-running streak of Texas high schools.
Woodrow produces award-winning musicals on a larger scale than a typical high school, with collaborative efforts of hundreds of students, teachers, parents and community members. They will present their 65th annual production, Pippin: The Musical.
The Woodrow Wilson High School Performing Arts Department, established in 1929, staged its first full-scale, Broadway-style musical, Oklahoma, in 1957, becoming one of the first schools to do so. Since then, Woodrow has carried on an unbroken string of annual musicals, with the longest-running streak of Texas high schools.
Woodrow produces award-winning musicals on a larger scale than a typical high school, with collaborative efforts of hundreds of students, teachers, parents and community members. They will present their 65th annual production, Pippin: The Musical.
The Woodrow Wilson High School Performing Arts Department, established in 1929, staged its first full-scale, Broadway-style musical, Oklahoma, in 1957, becoming one of the first schools to do so. Since then, Woodrow has carried on an unbroken string of annual musicals, with the longest-running streak of Texas high schools.
Woodrow produces award-winning musicals on a larger scale than a typical high school, with collaborative efforts of hundreds of students, teachers, parents and community members. They will present their 65th annual production, Pippin: The Musical.