Kelley Baker, the self-proclaimed “Angry Filmmaker,” has produced 13 short films and three features since 1982 using a unique DIY approach. He has promoted his methods through countless seminars to aspiring filmmakers through two books, The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide Part One and Part Two. Throughout the evening, he will read and tell stories from his latest book Road Dog, a chronicle of seven years crisscrossing the U.S. with his chocolate lab in an endless quest to get his work shown and to spread the word that filmmaking can exist outside of Hollywood.
Kelley Baker, the self-proclaimed “Angry Filmmaker,” has produced 13 short films and three features since 1982 using a unique DIY approach. He has promoted his methods through countless seminars to aspiring filmmakers through two books, The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide Part One and Part Two. Throughout the evening, he will read and tell stories from his latest book Road Dog, a chronicle of seven years crisscrossing the U.S. with his chocolate lab in an endless quest to get his work shown and to spread the word that filmmaking can exist outside of Hollywood.
Kelley Baker, the self-proclaimed “Angry Filmmaker,” has produced 13 short films and three features since 1982 using a unique DIY approach. He has promoted his methods through countless seminars to aspiring filmmakers through two books, The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide Part One and Part Two. Throughout the evening, he will read and tell stories from his latest book Road Dog, a chronicle of seven years crisscrossing the U.S. with his chocolate lab in an endless quest to get his work shown and to spread the word that filmmaking can exist outside of Hollywood.