24 Hour Club
New Ross Avenue home lets Dallas treatment center help more folks

A longtime treatment center has a new home, thanks to help from its friends. The Dallas 24 Hour Club — which helps homeless men and women quit drugs and alcohol — moved into its new facility at 4636 Ross Ave.
Founded in 1969, Dallas 24 Hour Club provides safe, sober transitional living for homeless men and women who are seeking a new life away from drugs and alcohol.
Dallas 24 Hour Club CEO Marsha Williamson says that the prior building, also on Ross Avenue, was long past salvaging. It was razed in December 2016.
"Dallas 24 Hour Club was housing 67 residents who were struggling to build a brand new life," she says. "However, we were struggling to keep our doors open to a facility that was over 100 years old with decades of deferred maintenance. Thanks to the extremely generous donations and hard work from the local real estate and construction industry, we can now give our residents a safe and comforting place to call home while they work toward sobriety."
The new facility came about, in no small part, via pro bono services provided by more than 100 local companies.
After learning about the facility's campaign to find new headquarters, local commercial real estate and construction industries, such as KDC, joined forces to help make the project possible by covering nearly all of the costs, which were more than $3.5 million.
"This was a very special project to KDC and the other participating members in the local real estate industry, as we were able to give back to the community that has been so good to us over the years,” says KDC CEO Steve Van Amburgh in a release.
In addition to KDC, other contractors included Austin Commercial, Balfour Beatty, and The Beck Group. HKS provided architectural design and structural engineering services.
Other companies that provided services pro bono include: Acme Brick, Baker Triangle, Brandt Engineering, Brightview, Capform Inc., Carrco Painting, Cemco, Dee Brown, Inc., DMG Masonry, Dots Masonry, Elite Fire Protection, Energy by 5, Goodall Distributing, Harmon, Jackson Walker, Kimley-Horn & Associates, KPost, Laticrete, L & W Supply, Miscellaneous Steel Industries, Otis Elevators, Pacheco Koch, Potter Concrete, SDI, TDIndustries, Terracon, Vilhauer Enterprises, Walker Engineering, Wright Construction, Wylie Drilling, and nearly 100 others.
The new building is two stories and 14,000 square feet, increasing its annual accommodation from 300 to 400 people.
Other new amenities include a commercial kitchen and dining area, and a large Alcoholics Anonymous meeting room that will host over 30 meetings a week to residents and the recovery community at large.
There's also a community room, meditation rooms, indoor and outdoor activity space, and parking.
Dallas 24 Hour Club is unique in that no one is turned away for lack of funds. Phase 1 residents are extended credit until they can get a job and pay the minimal $10 daily guest fee, which also covers daily meals, linens, and toiletries in a home-like environment.
Phase II residents pay a $15 daily guest fee and receive use of more amenities. The maximum stay is six months.
The 24 has a 17 percent success rate, compared to the 10-12 percent national success rate for those trying to sustain sobriety and become economically self-sufficient.