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Chuck Norris endorses Greg Abbott, but is that really a good thing?
Chuck Norris delivered a metaphorical roundhouse kick to the Texas governor's race on February 11. In a letter titled "Fight Back," Norris endorsed Greg Abbott.
Claiming unspecified "freedoms are under attack," Norris wrote that Abbott "is a proven protector of the values so many of us hold dear." He also inserted a joke about himself that was both a rhetorical question and in third-person: "Did you know that ghosts sit around campfires telling Chuck Norris stories?"
Norris went on to declare that Abbott was "Texas' best hope to fight the out-of-state-attacks that aim to turn Texas blue."
Although an endorsement from Walker, Texas Ranger is great social media fodder, it's not exactly the best predictor of political success. Norris' notable past endorsements include Mike Huckabee in 2008 and Newt Gingrich in 2012.
Considering that track record, Wendy Davis is probably pretty excited about Norris giving Abbott the nod.