Road Construction
TxDOT takes first step in LBJ East project in North Dallas

The Texas Department of Transportation has begun initial construction on its 635 East Project, which will affect the section of I-635/LBJ between US 75 in North Dallas to I-30 in Mesquite.
The construction will widen the stretch from eight general purpose lanes and two High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)/Express Managed Toll Lanes to 10 general purpose lanes, at least four frontage road lanes, and two Managed Toll (TEXpress) Lanes. The section of I-635 will almost double in width by the time construction is complete, which is expected in late 2024.
The current HOV/Express Managed Toll Lanes between US 75 and I-30 will close as of Monday, April 27, and will remain closed until the completion of the project.
Construction will force the permanent closures of certain access points within the corridor, including the westbound entrance at Oates Drive, the westbound entrance at Jupiter Road, the westbound entrance at Skillman Street, and the eastbound entrance at TI Boulevard.
Drivers traveling eastbound on the LBJ TEXpress Lanes from I-35E to US 75 will be required to exit onto the main lanes after US 75.
Unlike the LBJ TEXpress Lanes west of US 75, which are sunken between the main lanes, the Managed Toll Lanes east of 75 will be on the same level as the main lanes, separated by concrete barriers and shoulders.
In total, approximately 11 miles of I-635 will be rebuilt, including the direct connectors (i.e. connection ramps) at the I-30/I-635 interchange. A virtual construction overview is available for view at, providing a summary of what to expect during construction.
Anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on construction progress, lane closures, and traffic changes can sign up for text alerts by sending the message “635 East” to 31996.