Voting News
The Texas Democratic Primary runoff election is coming right up
Voting day is almost here. On Tuesday, July 14, Texas will hold the Democratic Primary runoff election. This is an election that was originally supposed to happen in May but got postponed.
Races being voted on include Senate (Royce West vs. Mary "MJ" Hegar), plus State Representative, Criminal Court Judge, and Railroad Comissioner.
If you want to vote but you have some special situations, here's what you need to know:
Curbside voting on election day
If you're physically unable to enter your polling place without assistance or are likely to injure your health, you are eligible to receive your ballot at the entrance or curb of the polling place. Unfortunately, there are no margaritas to go.
A phone number will provided at the curb to alert the judge that curbside voting is requested. The polling place workers will provide the instructions on how to vote curbside.
Curbside voting is available at any Vote Center location from 7 am-7 pm.
Curbside Voting will also be available at the Dallas County Elections office building, at 1520 Round Table Dr., in Dallas 7 am-7 pm.
The Vote Centers available in Dallas County are listed on this site. For more info, call 214-819-6359.
Late ballot due to illness
A voter who becomes sick or disabled on or after Wednesday, July 1 can vote a late ballot, if the sickness of disability prevents them from appearing at the polling place without the likelihood of needing personal assistance or of injuring his or her health.
An application to vote the late ballot option must be submitted no later than 5 pm on Democratic Primary Runoff Election Day, which as mentioned above is July 14.
Late ballot due to death in the family
A voter who will be absent from their County of residence due to a death of an immediate family member may also apply for a late ballot. Said death must occur on or after Thursday, July 9.
The deadline: Monday July 13 is the last day to submit an application and vote a late ballot by personal appearance due to death in immediate family.
If this was too hard to read, the info can be retrieved by calling the Dallas County Elections Hotline at 469-627-VOTE (8683), available 24 hours a day. The information can also be obtained by visiting the Dallas County Elections website at
For all upcoming election information, there's a website for that too: Upcoming election information.
For candidate-related information, contact the Democratic Party at 214-821-8331.