Horseshoe Switch
Prepare yourself for major traffic shift on downtown Dallas freeway

Traffic through downtown Dallas will likely see a speed bump beginning September 5, when a major freeway interchange shifts direction, commanding drivers who've always driven one way to drive another.
The change is on I-30, for drivers who are coming from west of downtown. As they enter the periphery of downtown, the ramps to I-30 east and I-35 north will trade places.
According to a release from the City of Dallas — which you can tell by one word was not copy edited before it was sent out — "A major traffic shits for eastbound drivers on Interstate 30 will begin overnight this coming Saturday, part of the Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) Horseshoe Project."
Forgive our juvenile tittering. Obviously, they meant to use the word "shifts." But the release is perhaps not inaccurate, as the ensuing confusion in this traffic shift will very possibly cause a snarl.
Drivers will now have to make an earlier decision and stay in the two right lanes to exit northbound I-35E, Commerce Street, Riverfront Boulevard, and southbound I-35E.
Drivers wanting to continue on eastbound I-30 through downtown Dallas must be in the left two lanes. More than 460,000 vehicles travel interstate highways 30 and 35E every weekday.
This is such a major big deal that they made a video to explain the details.
TxDOT's Horseshoe Project is a $798 million design-build roadway construction project to improve traffic flow through the heart of downtown Dallas. So named for its U shape, construction improvements include the expansion, repaving, and addition of several new bridges and roadways along interstates 30 and 35E, as well as the construction of a new signature bridge, the Margaret McDermott Bridge, over I-30.
The Horseshoe Project started in April 2013 and is scheduled to be complete by summer 2017. Once completed, drivers should experience improved safety, increased capacity, and improved mobility through the heart of Dallas.