Not so neighborly?
Dallas leads big U.S. cities for whining about neighbors, survey shows

Dallas may boast some of the most desirable neighborhoods in the country, but the desirability of the neighbors is another matter. A new survey indicates residents of Big D grumble more about their neighbors than residents of any major U.S. city.
The survey, conducted by home improvement website ImproveNet, found Dallas ranks as the top city among 24 of the biggest cities in the country where residents are most irritated by their neighbors.
So, what leads the list of complaints among Dallas neighbors? Dallas was the second ranked city in two categories of gripes: smoke from grilling and holiday decorations (Bah, humbug!)
And, you might wonder, why are Dallas residents generally so hacked off by their neighbors? Four of the five most irritated cities are in hot Southern climates, according to ImproveNet, while four of the five of the least annoyed cities are in cooler Northern locations.
“Maybe staying cool is part of the equation?” ImproveNet asks.
As for other hot Southern climates, Austin residents ranked third among the 24 cities surveyed for the neighbor annoyance factor, with Houston at No. 9 and San Antonio at No. 14.
What sets off Austinites about their neighbors? Austin came in first among the two dozen cities for complaints about aggressive dogs, smoke from grilling, holiday decorations, and missed newspaper and mail deliveries. Meanwhile, Austin took second place for these gripes: unannounced visitors, property damage, obstructed views, and yard and window signs.
Houston led the list for grievances about loud music, and sat in second place for complaints about loud parties and smelly pets.
Meanwhile, San Antonio topped the list of cities for being bugged by noisy kids, loud TVs, and smelly pets. Perhaps the most revealing complaint from San Antonians was about naked neighbors, with the Alamo City appearing at No. 2 for grievances about nudity around their homes.
Maybe that all that cavorting in birthday suits contributed to San Antonio’s No. 1 spot on ImproveNet’s list of the most confrontational cities, with Alamo City residents preferring face-to-face communication when they clash with their neighbors. Houston was No. 3 on that list, whereas Austin landed at No. 4 and Dallas at No. 7.