Open Carry Prep
City of Dallas releases rules and regulations for open carry laws

In anticipation of new laws in Texas regarding the display of handguns, the City of Dallas has released a video and website outlining rules and regulations.
Starting January 1, 2016, Texans will be able to legally carry their handguns openly anywhere they could carry concealed, in accordance with House Bill 910. Individuals who obtain a license to carry (LTC) or have a valid concealed handgun license (CHL) will be able to carry a weapon in plain view, when properly secured in a belt or shoulder holster.
The City of Dallas has trained 311 and 911 call-takers on the new laws and regulations to ensure they are able to answer concerned citizens' questions. Dallas Police Department has trained police officers on the new laws so that they are aware of what is legal and what is a violation under the new open carry law.
Citizens are urged to call 911 only when encountering a person who is in clear violation of House Bill 910. Violations can include the removal of the gun from a secured holster, when a gun holder seems intoxicated, and when the gun holder is committing a crime or acting in a reckless or suspicious manner.
The new law doesn't mean LTC holders can openly carry anywhere. Holders are prohibited from carrying in certain locations such as worship centers, amusement parks, and governmental meetings subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Handguns will not be allowed at high school, collegiate, or professional sporting events or interscholastic events at the Dallas Convention Center and the Cotton Bowl.
For more information on open carry, check the city's special open carry website, which features a video and FAQs.