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Taco Bell shell licker and other terrible life choices top links we love right now
Editor's note:There's so much that's beautiful, funny, smart and informative on the Internet. Problem is, there's also a bunch of garbage. Here's the best of the web right now:
1. Taco Bell employee licks tray of shells, and the Internet responds accordingly. A photo of a guy in a Taco Bell uniform liberally applying his tongue to a tray of hard taco shells sent the Internet into a frenzy, prompting coverage from around the globe. Any press is good press, right?
2. Two women are arrested after fulfilling a bucket list item in Florida. Don't get too excited; the ladies only shoplifted from a Wal-Mart. If you can't think of anything better to put on your bucket list, you shouldn't bother making one.
3. This 111-year-old Yankees fan is probably a liar. Bernando LaPallo might be the oldest New York Yankees fan alive. Or he could be just a 101-year-old con man. LaPallo's age has long been disputed, and public records show he was born in 1910, not 1901, as he claims. The real question, I believe, is what is this man's skin care regime? Because even 101-year-old people should have wrinkles.
4. Thirteen animals that don't like being shaved. And I don't blame them one bit. As Buzzfeed puts it, "You are no king, but a sad, shaven fool." Still, it's pretty hard to live in 100-degree temperatures while wearing a fur coat, and summer is coming.
5. True Life: I'm too beautiful. If 21-year-old Dana thought life was hard before this MTV show aired, then she is really going to hate it now.