Links We Love
Jurassic World trailer, food bank donation tips and more links we love
Editor's note: There's so much that's beautiful, funny, smart and informative on the Internet. Problem is, there's also a bunch of garbage. Here's the best of the web right now:
1. Jurassic World drops its trailer two days early. Does it have Chris Pratt? It certainly does. Do things seem fine before inevitably going to crap? You better believe it. Will it be as good as the original? Probably not. Still, they've got Star-Lord/Burt Macklin going up against Jurassic Godzilla. Haters to the left.
2. Astronaut Marsha Ivins talks to Wired about what it's like to be up in space. Bonuses include a zero-G facelift and becoming taller, while the downsides are things like "peeing away the headache." Sounds like a fair trade to see the sunrise 16 times each "day."
3. More movie news: Christoph Waltz is rumored to be in talks to be the main villain in the next installment of the James Bond series. We'll keep from spoiling it for anyone that likes to see 007 with a clean slate, but anyone worth their weight in Thunderballs should see it coming.
4. With the holiday season comes time to donate to food banks. Here are 13 tips for making the most of your donation so that the people who need the food get the right stuff. We've worked in a food bank before, and it really is like 20 percent green beans and 33 percent canned soup.
5. You can only hope to be as relaxed as this baby pygmy marmoset getting a massage. Not quite sure why Dlisted is calling the pea-sized primate the "Hot Slut of the Day," because Ninita is supremely chill with having a toothbrush rubbing its tiny head.