Lone Star Style
10 ways to round up some Texas style for your home

The food, the art, the music scene, the wild and lonesome landscape — from Austin to Marfa, Houston to Dallas, Texas has it going on. Beyond the big ranches and McMansions is a whole world of fresh, independent design and, of course, creative homeowners making Texas style their own.
Here are 10 fun, creative ways to bring a slice of the Lone Star State into your home.
1. Live for tacos.
Proclaim your love for tacos by making your own sign. Use craft store letters or address letters from the hardware store to spell out “Make tacos not war” on a sign; hang it in the kitchen or over the grill.
2. Plant a cactus garden.
What could be more Texan than a cactus garden? If you are lucky enough to live where it doesn’t freeze in the winter, plant your cacti outside. If you do get cold winters, plant a potted cactus garden instead.
3. Treat your home more like a cool art gallery.
Complement a crisp white gallery wall with eclectic art, a modern wooden bench, and a large-scale handmade pot. For extra credit, artfully drape a beautiful textile over the bench.
Find Frames for the Perfect Gallery Wall
4. Decorate the outdoors with found objects.
Random letters and pieces of signage, cable spools, scrap wood — use whatever you can get your hands on to make your outdoor space a creative wonderland.
Enjoy the Outdoors in Style With a Fire Pit
5. Make some crafty DIY containers.
Use a glass-cutting kit from the craft store (with care) to slice the tops off of soda or beer bottles with cool labels, then plant them with easy-care succulents for a tabletop garden. (Water closed containers sparingly.)
6. Play old-school vinyl.
You can’t get much hipper than having an enviable record collection. If you don’t already have one, there’s no time like the present to start collecting.
7. Hang a marquee sign.
Reminiscent of old-time carnivals and state fairs, lit-up marquee letters are a big, bold way to personalize your space.
8. Choose pieces with history.
An old iron bedstead, a portrait of your great-great-grandma, an antique chest, heirloom silver … if it’s got history, find a way to work it into your home. These pieces help keep the tone a bit more serious, even if you’re spinning records in the background and have a light-up “Love” marquee sign over the dining table.
An 1880s Texas Fort Influences a New Forever Home
9. Mix in some midcentury mod pieces.
Any home with hip Texas style is bound to include a few midcentury modern-style pieces.
10. Personalize your thrift store finds.
Have an adventurous spirit! Paint the wooden legs of your thrifted armchair; make stripes on a side table with tape; stencil a rug or line a cupboard in wild, printed fabric. A few tweaks here and there can mean the difference between a piece looking vintage chic and just looking used.