The Midtown Men reunites stars from the original cast of Broadway’s Jersey Boys, making them the first vocal group ever formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. After sharing the stage for over a thousand performances, Tony® Award winner Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard and Tony® Award nominee J. Robert Spencer decided to take their signature sound and chemistry to audiences everywhere, bringing to life their favorite 1960s hits.
The Midtown Men reunites stars from the original cast of Broadway’s Jersey Boys, making them the first vocal group ever formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. After sharing the stage for over a thousand performances, Tony® Award winner Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard and Tony® Award nominee J. Robert Spencer decided to take their signature sound and chemistry to audiences everywhere, bringing to life their favorite 1960s hits.
The Midtown Men reunites stars from the original cast of Broadway’s Jersey Boys, making them the first vocal group ever formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. After sharing the stage for over a thousand performances, Tony® Award winner Christian Hoff, Michael Longoria, Daniel Reichard and Tony® Award nominee J. Robert Spencer decided to take their signature sound and chemistry to audiences everywhere, bringing to life their favorite 1960s hits.