A timeless set by acclaimed vocalists Carolyn Lee Jones, Sandra Kaye, Heather Paterson, and Tony Hakim opens the annual tribute to beloved Sammons Jazz performer and volunteer Leigh Tomlinson. The stellar group is backed by an equally celebrated band: Brad Williams on piano, George Anderson on bass, and Andrew Griffith on drums.
The all-star tribute continues with a refreshing collaboration featuring innovative vocalists Garry Williams, Tatiana Mayfield, Candace “Mahogany” Miller, and Damon K. Clark. Their A-list band includes pianist Shelton Summons, bassist Jerome Allen, and drummer Lamont Taylor.
A timeless set by acclaimed vocalists Carolyn Lee Jones, Sandra Kaye, Heather Paterson, and Tony Hakim opens the annual tribute to beloved Sammons Jazz performer and volunteer Leigh Tomlinson. The stellar group is backed by an equally celebrated band: Brad Williams on piano, George Anderson on bass, and Andrew Griffith on drums.
The all-star tribute continues with a refreshing collaboration featuring innovative vocalists Garry Williams, Tatiana Mayfield, Candace “Mahogany” Miller, and Damon K. Clark. Their A-list band includes pianist Shelton Summons, bassist Jerome Allen, and drummer Lamont Taylor.
A timeless set by acclaimed vocalists Carolyn Lee Jones, Sandra Kaye, Heather Paterson, and Tony Hakim opens the annual tribute to beloved Sammons Jazz performer and volunteer Leigh Tomlinson. The stellar group is backed by an equally celebrated band: Brad Williams on piano, George Anderson on bass, and Andrew Griffith on drums.
The all-star tribute continues with a refreshing collaboration featuring innovative vocalists Garry Williams, Tatiana Mayfield, Candace “Mahogany” Miller, and Damon K. Clark. Their A-list band includes pianist Shelton Summons, bassist Jerome Allen, and drummer Lamont Taylor.