Artist News
Dallas' roaming art exhibit lands in Allen with a VHS video store theme
Roaming art gallery Sweet Tooth Hotel is debuting a new installation at a location in the very far northern territories of Allen. Called Rewind, it'll be an experiential art venue, IE you can poke around in some way, with a video store theme.
According to a release, it will open at Watters Creek at Montgomery Farms on October 15.
The exhibit will feature 10 installations from six artists. The centerpiece will be a mock vintage video store full of VHS tapes, with hidden spaces for guests to discover. It will also include elements from their previous exhibits.
The artists will come from a variety of disciplines — paint, fiber, graffiti, murals — each contributing a piece to be displayed in its own dedicated space.
Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for children 2-12 years old. If you're under 2, you get in free, so be sure to spread that good news around the nursery. Entry to the exhibit will be limited to every 30 minutes, with a limit on the number of guests at one time.
There will also be a gift shop with products and art where you can spend more money, if you're so inclined.
The Sweet Tooth Hotel concept was created by husband-and-wife Cole and Jencey Keeton, and first set up in Victory Park in 2018 with a candy theme. (That location is now closed.)
Buoyed by their success, they made their first northern foray in 2020 with a spinoff called Sweet Tooth Motel, which set up in Denison, then Watters Creek, and now Fort Worth, where it will wrap up at the end of August.
Artists are primarily from Dallas and include Andy Arkley, Hannah Busekrus, Niki Dionne, Hatziel Flores, Sam Lao, someone called "MOM," and Madison Mask.
Hmm, that seems like seven artists, not six as their ticket sales page says. There's more voodoo math on D magazine's blog post, which says there are "five local artists" and goes on to list six. Maybe "MOM" doesn't count.