Anyone Got a Million Bucks?
10 fantasy gifts (with built-in guilt relief) from the annual Neiman Marcus Christmas Book
Oct 9, 2012 | 10:39 pm
The tradition of outlandish fantasy gifts continues in the 86th edition of the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book.
Photo courtesy of Neiman Marcus
Take care of the luxuries, and the necessities will take care of themselves.” — Dorothy Parker First published in 1926 as a 16-page booklet, the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book [https: /] has become as much a part of the holiday season as The Nutcracker and eggnog. So when the 86th edition was released Tuesday, we couldn't wait to get a glimpse of the outrageous fantasy gifts the luxury retailer is offering this season. -------- Bond Toy: First featured in the 1965 movie, Thunderball [], the Jetlev R200 jetpack will send you soaring. Cost: $99,500 Guilt relief: For each sale, Neiman Marcus will donate $2,500 to Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County, Fla [].