Santa! I know him!
Dear Santa, this is all we want for Christmas at CultureMap Dallas
- Claire would like a gratis pet sitter to come over and play with these littlebundles of joy, who are uncharacteristically stoic when photographed.
- All Jennifer wants is for Santa to donate $200,000 to Cafe Momentum so they canbuild a permanent restaurant.Photo by Robert Bostick
- If someone else gets the Super Nintendo collection, then we would totally settlefor this Bulleit Frontier Whiskey Woody-Tailgate Trailer. Sure, it's $150,000,but 10 percent of that goes to the American Foundation for AIDS Research.Photo courtesy of Neiman Marcus
- The DART rail is nice, especially coming from the suburbs, but Alex wouldn'tmind trading it in for a teleportation device.Photo by Claire St. Amant
We’re less than two weeks away from Christmas and nearing the end of Hanukkah, which means we’re focused on gifts. Of course we are also thinking about goodwill toward others and all that sentimental stuff that Charlie Brown and the Grinch taught us, but let’s be real here.
Without further ado, this is our editorial staff’s holiday wish list. And we do mean wishful.
This reporter (who is very materialistic)
“Forget running with the bulls or paragliding over a volcano. My personal Everest is this complete collection of Super Nintendo games for $25,000. It’s 721 games ranging from fair to near mint condition. I must have it and relive my childhood.”
Rachael (from Hanukkah Harry, who would totally lose to Santa in a fight)
“I would like a winter with a minimum of 15 snow days. There will be so much snow that we will have to shovel our driveways, men will be wearing scarves and every bar will serve spiked hot chocolate.”
Jennifer (who makes all of our choices seem petty)
“All I want for Christmas is for Santa to deliver a check in the amount of $200,000 to Cafe Momentum, the nonprofit culinary training facility for at-risk youth. That is the remaining amount needed to get a permanent, bricks-and-mortar restaurant up and running. A real restaurant would provide the consistency and support required to really set these kids on the path to becoming confident and productive members of our community.
Programs like Cafe Momentum dramatically lower recidivism rates. So in addition to the warm-and-fuzzy part of giving these kids a new chance at life, Cafe Momentum can save taxpayers $2 million per kid if we can keep him out of jail during his lifetime. Yes, you read that right.
Santa, if you are going digital (and of course you are), you can donate on the Cafe Momentum website.”
Teresa (who originally said a lump of coal)
“I would love to have an alternative-universe me who could devote herself to the fun, crafty stuff I love to do but never have time for: baking experiments like making the perfect portable appetizer — preferably with crusty bread and arugula — or designing this skirt I've envisioned forever, with colorful sequins sewn onto black velvet.
I could even provide this alternative me with the raw materials, as the skirt and bag of sequins are on a shelf in my closet. This alternative-universe me would ideally have the appetizer and skirt finished up in time for a CultureMap holiday party.”
Claire (who likes to hang out in parks, creepily)
“I'm asking Santa for an all-expenses-paid dog sitter. Pet ownership is great. You always have someone to greet you when you walk in the door, and it makes you look less creepy hanging out in parks, which I do regularly.
But when you're a dual-income family, the pups don't get much TLC from 9 to 5. So I would like someone to come over to my house while I'm at work and love on my pets. Yes, I've heard of doggie daycare, but that just feels a little ridiculous. I prefer my pets to be pampered in the privacy of my own home, thank you.”
Alex (who picked the gift that everyone else wish they had thought of)
“Teleportation machine. As any suburban commuter can tell you, making your way to and from downtown Dallas every day can be a trying experience, even if you take DART.
The ability to teleport would not only cut that commute down to milliseconds, but it would increase workplace productivity immeasurably. If we can hold our entire music catalog in our hands and video chat with people around the world, teleportation has got to be coming soon, right?”
Brooke (our intern, who apparently underestimates the size of the Atlantic Ocean)
My wish is that Santa would let me borrow his sleigh or give me his sack full of money for a year’s worth of traveling. My friends live all over the country and the world, and I’d love to have the money and the time (but more importantly the money) to go visit them. I’ve also had my eye on a water jet pack ever since I saw it on YouTube, so maybe I’d use that to travel overseas for just a mere $128,000. Such a deal.