Let Me Sum Up
Why I'm glad Texas schools are learnin' kids about the Bible and Jesus. Plus: Kirk!
Last night Twitter was abuzz about a report, penned by an SMU professor of religious studies, about the state of Bible teaching in Texas. The report, written by Mark Chancey for the Texas Freedom Network, revealed that 57 districts and three charter schools in Texas taught Bible learnin’. Although the report’s key findings note that some Bible courses were academically serious, many peddled pure religious fantasy.
The report was actually covered by the local news media a few weeks ago, but the issue flared again yesterday when the Huffington Post ran a wonderful essay about Texas Bible teaching by Bush’s Brain author James Moore. The piece, titled “Jesus Was a Texan,” details the author’s disgust with the report’s juicier findings. For example, Moore writes that in Eastland ISD, students are told that …
A few things about this report: One, you should read the condensed version, at the very least. It’s a weird mix of frightening and funny, like Zombieland set in West Texas, only if the movie ends when Bill Murray dies. You don’t come away with an abundance of hope. It gives life to the famous quote from Reverend Lovejoy: “It appears science has failed again, in front of overwhelming religious evidence.”
(As a side note, I feel it’s my duty to point out that its author, Mr. Chancey, not only rated a perfect 5.0 in overall quality by the website Rate My Professors, but he also scores a red chili pepper in the category of “hotness.” But I digress.)
Nevertheless, I must say that Moore’s outrage, while understandable, seems misplaced. Shouldn’t he be embracing this sort of idiocy from Texas ISDs — so long as it’s not the district he resides in?
I know I do. The world is tough enough out there for my recently college freshman daughter. I don’t need this state producing a bunch of intelligent competitors for her in the job market. So long as some school districts are still teaching kids made-up Patrick Henry quotes and showing them videos from the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, she’s got a better shot at a good job. Thin the herd, Prosper ISD!
If that doesn’t work, I can at least take comfort in the fact more Texas school districts are arming teachers. If they can’t make little Billy so dumb he’s functionally useless, maybe they can at least wing him accidentally. Every little bit helps.
You should read Patrick Kennedy’s piece on why we should take down IH-345. And then you should support its obliteration.
Mitchell Schnurman on why AA should be begging for, and cautious of, a merger with Delta. This is gonna happen this week, right? Next week? Who has Monday in the office pool?
I can’t believe that Ron Kirk would leave an office with work only half-done. Doesn’t sound like him at all.
No context needed.
@jakesilverstein @houstoniamag Sir, I did my hooker killing at Notre Dame. But they were all virtual hookers.
— Tim Rogers (@timmytyper) January 29, 2013