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Red panda jokes, Dirk's soccer flop and more links we love right now
Editor's note: There's so much that's beautiful, funny, smart and informative on the Internet. Problem is, there's also a bunch of garbage. Here's the best of the web right now.
1. Twitter runs out of red panda jokes. Rusty the red panda escaped from the Smithsonian National Zoo sometime after 6 pm on June 23. By the afternoon of June 24, Rusty was safely ensconced in a plastic cage. Despite a short time frame, the Internet could not keep up with the demand for red panda jokes.
2. The FBI requests Portlandia clip for official use. In the wake of such widespread evidence of governmental document pilfering, it's nice to hear the FBI is asking before commandeering a two-minute recycling skit for the good of America.
3. How 22 different people view Edward Snowden. Speaking of questionable government activity, young Snowden is basically living out the plot of the Bourne Identity, but with much less popularity. Grab the popcorn and take in this bounty of gifs compiled by Buzzfeed.
4. Giant spider spooks meteorologist and creates a very memorable noon weather report. The midday news is not usually a source of viral videos, but Kristi Gordon is going to have a hard time living this one down.
5. Dirk Nowitzki flops in a charity soccer game. It's possible Dirk was just helping out Mavericks owner Mark Cuban with some field research for his flopping study, but the evidence is pretty damning that Dirk took a dive.
6. Daredevil calmly tightropes across Grand Canyon while everyone else freaks out. Nik Wallenda doesn't just play it fast and loose with the spelling of his first name. He also walks across giant chasms without the aid of nets or harnesses. Most people who tuned into his performance on the Discovery Channel were flipping out.
7. Ten leading men and their child-like, onscreen romantic interests. compared the ages of 10 leading men (Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, George Clooney, etc.) to their onscreen love interests. The data runs from the ’90s to the present and reveals what we pretty much already knew: Leading men age but their girlfriends don't.