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The Josh Brent saga, a duck's silicone foot and more links we love right now

Editor's note:There's so much that's beautiful, funny, smart and informative on the Internet. Problem is, there's also a bunch of garbage. Here's the best of the web right now:
1. Buzzfeed presents 27 ways to be as American as Ron Swanson. In honor of the Fourth of July, let's take a gander at the patriotic tendencies of Parks & Recreation character Ron Swanson. Because there's nothing more American than meat on a stick.
2. Dallas district attorney Craig Watkins opines on Josh Brent case with The Fan's G-Bag Nation. "We're not treating Josh Brent any different because he's a Dallas Cowboy," Watkins said. That makes sense, because the DA's office always gives radio interviews about bond revocations and failed drug tests. Meanwhile, Brent's attorney is crying foul.
3. Could an Italian scientist pave the way for human head transplants? In a headline seemingly ripped from science fiction films, Sergio Canavero is pretty sure he can successfully affix one person's head to another person's body. As the article notes, "though the procedure's name suggests otherwise, the recipient would be receiving a new body, not a new head." Just to be safe, I won't be vacationing in Italy this summer.
4. Study says people with a lot of self-control are happier than the rest of us. So let me get this straight, the people who resist life's temptations also enjoy it more? That's just depressing.
5. Lame duck is walking again thanks to a 3-D printed foot. Now this is the kind of science I can get behind. Buttercup the duck (yes, that's his real name) was born with a deformed foot. A silicone one now allows him to waddle about with ease.
6. This shamu follows you. Another excellent use of technology with a tie to the animal kingdom. It's only slightly less important than the whole silicone foot thing.
7. Bald nun sex accidentally broadcast on giant billboard in China. Word to the wise: If you're an LED billboard repair man, you probably shouldn't watch porn on your work computer. I know, I'm a crazy prude, but I hear it can all go south very quickly.