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Glam galas, heated lawsuits and a $30 million home: The 5 most popular storiesthis week
Editor's note:Another week has come and gone, and there's a lot we all probably missed. But we're looking out for you, kid. Here are the most popular stories from this past week:
1. CulturePoll: What was the most glamorous social event of the season? Events ranged from cowboy chic to French opulence, from opera to visual arts, but Dallas' social scene was always stylish. We put it to you, our readers, to vote on the most glamorous social event of the season.
Choose with care, as everyone is watching. You can still vote daily, through December 23.
2. Malouf case vs. Candy Evans takes a Downton Abbey-esque turn as house staff is implicated in breach. It's starting to look like Richard and Leanne Malouf took Candy Evans to court to find out who among their staff leaked confidential information to the real estate blogger.
Questions during a two-day hearing strayed far from the purpose of determining whether or not Evans entered the Maloufs' property. Nevertheless, on December 20, Evans signed an agreement to stay off of the property, ending the pre-trial circus.
3. Voyeurism at its best: Look inside the most expensive Dallas home on the market. Our fearless real estate contributor, Candy Evans, first brought our attention to 4939 Manson Court, which boasts a 2,200 square-foot master bedroom and a 14-car garage. Feast your eyes on 26 photos of opulence and luxury.
4. Fine dining, burlesque and masquerade balls: What to do in Dallas for New Year's Eve. Staff writer Jonathan Rienstra's round-up of ways to ring in 2013 was so popular that he's actually working on a second edition. Stay tuned, party people.
5. You want to be on the right side of history? Ignore the DMN's call for a civil debate on guns. Don't let the preppy columnist photo fool you. Eric Celeste is no softie, especially when it comes to standing up to gun rights activists.