Vegetable News
Dallas to give away free produce in one neighborhood every other Friday

Veggies make the world go round.
The City of Dallas’ Office of Community Care, in collaboration with the American Heart Association and the Last Patrol, has launched a fresh produce drive at the West Dallas Multipurpose Center.
Starting Friday, March 24, Dallas residents can drive-thru or walk-up to the WDMC to get fresh produce, free of charge. The drive thru will take place on the second and fourth Friday of each month.
Through this initiative, OCC and its partners aim to provide access to fresh food and nutritional support to more than 370,000 community members in West Dallas who are impacted by food insecurity.
"Food insecurity occurs when healthy food is not readily available daily, due to poverty or socioeconomic challenges, causing people to go hungry or eat food that is of reduced quality, variety or desirability," says West Dallas Multipurpose Center manager Ashley Hutto in a statement. "This program will support community members in improving food security and access to fresh produce in West Dallas."
Aamerican Heart Association Community Impact Director Bry Mabry says they chose the location for its accessibility to a large population in need.
“This center is a centerpiece of the community in West Dallas and a suitable location to reach a large portion of the residents of West Dallas," Mabry says.
"This area within Dallas County historically has had high rates of poverty and food insecurity," she says. "Knowing and understanding the needs in this area, the American Heart Association's North Texas Team continues to partner with the West Dallas Multipurpose Center to create more opportunities for positive impact."
The fresh produce distribution will be first-come, first-serve, from 1-2:30 p.m. at WDMC, located at 2828 Fish Trap Rd.
There is no income or zip code requirement to participate.