Downtown News
Heavily armed man killed after firing on downtown Dallas building

A 22-year-old Dallas man was killed on June 17 during an armed attack in downtown Dallas.
According to a statement from the FBI, Brian Isaack Clyde opened fire on the Earle Cabell Federal building and was shot dead by law enforcement officers.
Wearing a black hooded mask and a black vest loaded with ammunition, Clyde started shooting, then ran around the building, caught on video by Fox4. He was shot and killed at the scene.
WFAA captured live video of a Dallas police robot approaching Clyde's car, but stopped filming after the Dallas Police Department asked media to refrain from broadcasting footage of the tactical operation, stating that "it could compromise this and future operations."
A device was subsequently detonated which blasted through downtown. Police shut down streets and evacuated buildings nearby.
Dallas Morning News photographer Tom Fox was already at the building and took photos as the shooting transpired, including one of Clyde in full gear.
Clyde's Facebook page indicates that he attended Woodrow Wilson High School, but skipped around, attending Leander High School and Vandegrift High School as well.
He was also a military veteran who was attending Del Mar College in Corpus Christi and recently won an outstanding student award for "Non-Destructive Applied Technology."
His most recent Facebook update was on June 16, a photo of his pale legs that said, "Behold my paste." But on June 15, he posted a photo of 14 gun magazine clips. Other posts made references to Waco and Ruby Ridge. And on April 27, he posted an update that said, "God, I love gun shows."