Coronavirus News
Assistance program helps residents outside of city of Dallas pay rent

Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) has launched a COVID-19 rental assistance program for Dallas County residents outside of the city of Dallas.
Called the Emergency Housing Assistance Program (EHAP), it provides financial assistance on rent, mortgage, and utilities for those suffering income loss due to COVID-19.
It's funded through the CARES Act, and is available to residents of Dallas County who live outside the city in areas such as Richardson, Carrollton, Garland, DeSoto, Lancaster, and Irving. (Dallas received its own direct allotment of CARES Act funds from the federal government. The city of Dallas enacted a rental assistance program for city residents in April; 23,000 people applied.)
Recipients get a maximum of $1,500 per month, for up to three months. Funds can be used for expenses such as rent or mortgage payments and utilities, and can included back rent that occurred on or after March 1, as long as they can prove it was due to COVID-19.
Funds will be paid directly to the landlord or mortgagee or utility provider.
Recipients will be determined by a lottery, wherein eligible pre-screened applications will be randomly sorted utilizing a computer algorithm.
Only completed applications meeting eligibility requirements, and supported by required documentation, will be considered for assistance. You must be 18 years of age or older to apply.
The Catholic Dioceses of Dallas and Jewish Family Services of Greater Dallas have similar short-term assistance programs. Anyone who's received assistance from either agency is not eligible to apply for the EHAP. No double-dipping.
DCHHS began accepting applications online on July 1, and will close it out on July 9 at 4 pm. You can also apply via phone at 214-819-1968, Monday-Thursday, 9 am-4 pm.
"Keeping people in their homes is critical, especially for slowing the rate of spread of COVID-19 in our community,” says DCHHS Director Dr. Philip Huang in a statement.
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