No Dumping
City of Dallas installs cameras to curb silent underground crime

Next time you're considering dumping that used tire in someone's abandoned yard, think twice, because you may be on camera. The city of Dallas has launched a campaign to cut down on illegal dumping and has installed an additional 50 cameras around the city to catch offenders in the act.
Since the city began monitoring the situation in April, 20 arrests have been made for illegal dumping.
Mayor Pro Tem Erik Wilson spoke at a press conference at Dowdy Ferry, one of 62 locations identified as a chronic dumping site. Wilson was joined by a spectrum of city staff, including representatives from the Marshal’s Office, Code Compliance, Sanitation, Dallas Animal Services, Dallas Police, and 311.
"Illegal dumping affects quality of life, property values, contributes to blight, and hurts the perception of our city," Wilson said.
Anyone who witnesses illegal dumping is urged to call 911. Note the vehicle license plate and a description of the suspect. Penalties range from 180 days in jail to two years in state prison plus fines.
Two of the biggest dumping issues have been dead animals and tires. The city created a website called DallasPETS to explain how to properly dispose of your pets. If your pet has died, call your veterinarian or 311 to arrange for a curbside pickup from Sanitation Services. Deceased pets can also be brought to Dallas Animal Services at 1818 N. Westmoreland Rd. during business hours.
Additionally, the City of Dallas has collected about 20,000 tires this year. If you have used tires or other materials, you can dispose of them at the landfill at 5100 Youngblood or at a designated transfer station. You'll need to present a water bill and valid driver's license to drop off materials. You can also call 311 to request a special pickup, but there is a fee for this service.