Highway News
TxDOT shares latest phase of plan to widen I-30 on east side of Dallas

The Texas Department of Transportation is deploying the next phase of its plan to widen I-30 on the east side of downtown Dallas, running through Mesquite to Lake Ray Hubbard.
The project consists of approximately 12 miles from Ferguson Road to Bass Pro Drive, and will affect Dallas, Mesquite, and Garland.
The proposed project would have:
- six to 12 main lanes (three to six travel lanes in each direction) varying throughout the project limits
- zero to two reversible managed lanes
- two to three frontage road lanes in each direction
It would also include a 10-foot shared use path along both sides of I-30 for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, ranging in width from 300 to 450 feet.
Additional right-of-way and easements would be required, and two non-residential structures are anticipated to be displaced.
TxDOT has scheduled virtual and in-person meetings this month to advise the public of their plans.
The in-person open house meeting is on April 27 at 5:30 pm at the Mesquite Arts Center, 1527 N Galloway Ave. in Mesquite.
The virtual public meeting will be posted on Thursday, April 27 through Friday, May 12. The materials can be viewed at any point during that period.
The project is part of TxDOT's I-30 corridor expansion project, which also entails new frontage road bridges across Lake Ray Hubbard from Bass Pro Drive to Dalrock Road, and the rebuilding of the Dalrock Road interchange.
Future projects will widen I-30 and add continuous frontage roads throughout Rockwall County. The work is part of TxDOT's Texas Clear Lanes effort to relieve congestion, a statement that they make with no irony whatsoever.