Feel Good Cinema
East Dallas drive-in goes all holiday movies all the time for Christmas season

The Rooftop Cinema Club, which came to Dallas with The Drive-In at The Central in August, is getting into the spirit of the season by offering nothing but holiday movies throughout the month of December.
The schedule will include family-friendly options like multiple screenings of the now-classic Elf, along with Home Alone, A Christmas Story, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and more. Adults and teenagers won't be left out in the cold, though, as there will also be screenings of Friday After Next, Love Actually, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Die Hard, and others.
A full schedule can be found at rooftopcinemaclub.com/central.
“Our traditional holiday events and travel to see family and friends will be different this year,” said Rooftop Cinema Club owner and founder, Gerry Cottle, in a statement. “The drive-in has a unique way to fill that void this season, and we’re doing everything we can to bring some holiday cheer to our guests with a safe outing they can share with loved ones.”
Located in a field just off 75/Central Expressway at 2999 N. Carroll Avenue, the drive-in will be decked out in holiday décor and staff in holiday sweaters. Guests can enjoy hot cocoa, gingerbread cookies, and other festive treats from the concession stand, and Santa Claus will make nightly appearances to take holiday wish lists.
Additionally, guests are encouraged to decorate their vehicles to participate in the “Deck the Cars” decorating challenge. Rooftop Cinema Club will give out prizes on surprise nights to the best decorators. Holiday Car Kits will be available for purchase for anyone who wants to get in on the decorating fun.
As a way to give back to the community, all proceeds from $5 Community Screenings in December (which take place every Sunday during the 8:15-8:45 pm time slot) will go to the North Texas Food Bank. There will also be a food-drive box at every screening to gather donations for the food bank.
Guests are asked to donate grains such as rice, oats or quinoa, breakfast cereals, oatmeal, canned vegetables, peanut butter (10-12 oz., 16-18 oz.), any kind of canned meat (tuna, chicken, etc.), nutrition or breakfast bars (individually wrapped, low sugar count), and any kind of canned fruit (in-juice, normal serving sized, pop-top lid preferred).
Doors open one hour prior to the first screening each night and 30 minutes prior to the second or third screenings. Guests are encouraged to arrive early as parking spaces will be assigned for each section on a first-come-first-serve basis. Ticket prices start at $22 per vehicle regardless of occupancy, depending on seating preference, and show times.