Think of all the power we have at our fingertips now, thanks to technology.
We can have virtually anything delivered to our doorstep through the Web and monitor our health stats from our wrists. We can crowd source funding for whole new companies from our couch. We can adjust the thermostat in our home from across the country or the warmth of our bed.
We can even generate our own electricity right from our homes. So why isn’t everyone doing it already?
Leasing a solar panel is more affordable and accessible than ever before, enabling more and more Texans to make the jump to solar.
Hello, Era of Personal Power! In March, NRG introduced a trial of Portable Power stations at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo at NRG Stadium. This new service provides a battery boost for mobile devices to ensure that you’re fully charged and connected while you’re on the go. In April, NRG and Reliant announced a residential solar solution that enables Texas homeowners to generate renewable energy for their homes and take control of electricity reliability and costs.
A solar installation on your home will give you the freedom to generate your own power, help reduce your electric bill and provide you with reliable electricity. The average size of a solar installation leased by NRG in Texas is 7.5 kW, which is expected to generate more than 10,000 kWh in the first year of production.
Leasing a solar panel is more affordable and accessible than ever before, enabling more and more Texans to make the jump to solar. That also puts you squarely on the path of the new future of energy in this country.
Solar is making strong inroads beyond home installations. Just this month, NRG Energy, Inc. announced that it will propose a sustainability package for the newly renamed NRG Park at a future Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation board meeting. This package could include solar panels to help offset the park’s energy costs.
The improvements are part of a larger effort by NRG to bring sustainable power to professional football stadiums throughout the country. With the completion of the NRG Park project, the company will have outfitted six professional football stadiums with sustainable energy solutions.
NRG has been on the ground floor of pioneering solar technology for years now and has become one of the largest developers of solar power in the United States. Recently, NRG worked with Google and BrightSource Energy to flip on the switch at Ivanpah, the world’s largest solar thermal power project able to generate energy for 140,000 California homes.
While big projects like these show our larger capabilities, it is the one-home-at-a-time projects that can make the most significant impact – not only to our customers but also for our communities. Residential solar projects are one piece of an enormous opportunity to embrace this Era of Personal Power.
The time has never been better to choose solar power for your home. Reliant will provide back-up electricity and give you a monthly credit for putting power back onto the grid for other users.
Texans, let’s move beyond the status quo model. Let’s draw on our state’s talent, vast energy expertise and pioneering spirit to not just embrace but lead this new Era of Personal Power. Let’s power up!
Elizabeth Killinger is president of NRG Texas Retail and Reliant.
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