Pizza News
7-Eleven's new breakfast item takes great liberties with the word pizza
Irving-based 7-Eleven has a new breakfast item that is taking great liberties with the word "pizza."
The company has introduced what they are calling a personal-sized breakfast pizza, marketed to "people who love pizza for breakfast or breakfast anytime."
It'll be available in the hot foods case at the front counter during the morning hours, but can be prepared on request at other times, and it goes for $2.
Time for the quote:
"7-Eleven stores' busiest time of day is right in the heart of traditional breakfast hours, and people are hungry," says Robin Murphy, 7-Eleven's fresh foods product director, in a statement. "We took our busiest time of day and (one of) our customers' favorite hot foods – pizza – to create what we think will become a breakfast favorite that is delicious and easy to eat on the go."
Totally agree that pizza is good for breakfast, and that breakfast is great any time of the day.
However, according to the description, this is a 5-inch breakfast pizza with a "flaky biscuit crust," topped with white gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage crumbles, bacon, ham, and a blend of mozzarella and cheddar cheese.
The problem is obvious: A "flaky biscuit crust" is not pizza. That's almost as bad as calling tomato sauce and cheese on an English muffin pizza.
The essence of pizza is the crust. Nevermind the toppings. Pizza is about the dough.
This sounds like a biscuit sandwich at best. It's an open-faced biscuit sandwich without a top.
Here's a clue: The release notes that more than 90 percent of consumers say they love or like pizza. "Put the two together, and it's no surprise that breakfast versions of pizza are one of the fastest-growing, up 54 percent over the past four years," it says.
Yes but this is not pizza, right? Not saying it doesn't sound fantastic, and for $2, what a deal. But it's not pizza.
The release also observes that the traditional three-meal schedule is giving way to a combination of meals and snacks, and that the "all-day breakfast" is a hot trend, with breakfast foods landing on lunch and dinner menus and anchoring entire restaurant concepts.