Go Dallas
Dallas residents heart their firemen and love Love Field

Dallas, your residents are pretty satisfied. A new survey conducted by the city finds that 3 out of 4 people have a positive perception of Dallas and give it high marks on customer service.
The 2018 City of Dallas Community Survey was completed by 1,442 randomly selected residents.
It found that 72 percent view Dallas positively, and, even despite major issues with infrastructure, are more satisfied with city services than most large cities in the U.S.
The areas that earned low marks included infrastructure maintenance, police services, and code enforcement.
The survey was administered by Kansas-based ETC Institute earlier in the year. It was seven pages in length, and was completed by 1,442 randomly selected residents. At least 100 responses were collected from each of the city's 14 districts.
ETC will present the results at the Dallas City Council meeting on May 3. The city uses its results in its preparation of the next biennial budget.
In regards to quality of life, a large majority of residents – 80 percent or more – viewed Dallas as an "excellent" or "good" place to live, work, and do business.
A majority of residents, 74 percent, rated the number of arts and cultural events in the city as excellent or good.
On diversity, just a little over half rated the city as excellent or good.
Most city services categories received good ratings from respondents as well. Fire services and emergency services were big winners: Fire services got the highest rating, with 56 percent of respondents calling it excellent, and emergency services came in third, with a 45 percent excellent rating.
Residents also looove Dallas Love Field Airport, with 49 percent calling it excellent.
On the losing side, infrastucture maintenance earned the worst marks, with a "poor" rating from 44 percent of those surveyed.
Code enforcement and land use/planning/zoning services were rated as "poor" by one third of respondents.
Compared to other large U.S. cities, Dallas rated higher than the national average in the areas of: overall quality of life, quality of services provided by the city, and the direction the city is heading in.